Question: Vector of phyllody disease is –
1. Thrips
2. Mite
3. White fly
4. Jassid
Answer: 1
Question: Gynodioecious varieties of papaya produce –
1. Only male plants
2. Female and hermaphrodite
3. Male and hermaphrodite plants
4. Only female plants
Answer: 4
Question: Isolation distance for foundation seed of rice is –
1. 30 metre
2. 3 metre
3. 35 metre
4. 50 metre
Answer: 2
Question: White colour of soil is due to the presence of –
1. Silica
2. Iron
3. Manganese oxide
4. All of these
Answer: 3
Question: Which of the ‘complex fertilizer’?
1. Ammonium sulphate nitrate
2. Single superphosphate
3. Ammonium phosphate
4. Calcium ammonium nitrate
Answer: 3
Question: Drip irrigation is useful in which region?
1. Humid
2. Dry
3. High rainfall
4. None of these
Answer: 2
Question: Among the following crop rotations, which is good for in creasing soil Nutrient status?
1. Rice-Wheat
2. Groundnut-Wheat
3. Pearlmillet-Wheat
4. Sorghum-Wheat
Answer: 2
Question: For waterlogged rice cultivation, the fertilizer that may be avoided is –
1. Sodium nitrate
2. Urea
3. Ammonium chloride
4. None of these
Answer: 4
Question: The ratio between marketable crop yield and water used in evapotranspiration is known as–
1. Field water use efficiency
2. Economic irrigation efficiency
3. Consumptive use efficiency
4. Water use efficiency
Answer: 1

Question: Percentage of P2O5 in ‘Pelofas’ fertilizer is –
1. 12
2. 16
3. 11
4. 18
Answer: 3
Question: Which one of the following is not a primary nutrient?
1. S
2. N
3. K
4. P
Answer: 1
Question: Which group of plant nutrients involves in N2 fixation?
1. P,S,Mo
2. P,S,Co
3. P,Mo,Co
4. All of these
Answer: 1
Question: Which one of the following fertilizers is known as ‘Kisan Khad’?
1. Urea
2. Calcium Ammonium Nitrate
3. None of these
4. Ammonium Sulphate
Answer: 2
Question: Zoological name of white grub is–
1. Holotrichia consanguinea
2. Helicoverpa armigera
3. Spodoptera litura
4. Bamisia tabaci
Answer: 1
Question: Botanical name of nobel canes is–
1. Saccharum officinarum
2. Saccharum barberi
3. Saccharum spontaneous
4. Saccharum sinensis
Answer: 1
Question: Nullisomics produce which type of gametes?
1. n-1
2. n+1
3. n
4. n+1-1
Answer: 1
Question: The crossing over occurs during–
1. Diplotene
2. Zygotene
3. Leptotene
4. Pachytene
Answer: 4
Question: ‘Pusa Jai Kisan’ is a somaclone of–
1. Indian Mustard
2. Khesari
3. Citronella java
4. Basmati Rice
Answer: 1