Question: Which of the following statements about sexual reproduction in flowering plants are correct?
1. Stamen is present in the centre of a flower.
2. Stamen produces pollen grains in the ovary.
3. The swollen bottom part of carpel is the ovary.
4. The fusion of germs cells gives rise to zygote.
Select the correct answer using the code given below.
1. 2, 3 and 4 only.
2. 2 and 4 only.
3. 1 and 3 only.
4. 1, 2, 3 and 4
Answer: 4
Question: The human eye is like a camera and hence it contains a system of lens. The eye lens forms
1. A straight or upright, real image of the object on the retina.
2. An inverted, virtual image of the object on the retina.
3. An inverted, real image of the object on the retina.
4. A straight or upright, real image of the object on the iris.
Answer: 3
Question: Which one among the following hormones stimulates the plant cells to grow in a manner such that the plant appears to be bent towards light?
1. Cytokinin
2. Auxin
3. Gibberellin
4. Abscisic Acid
Answer: 2
Question: The main thinking part of the brain is
1. Midbrain
2. Hypothalamus
3. Forebrain
4. Hindbrain
Answer: 3
Question: The pH of fresh milk is 6. When it turns sour, the pH
1. becomes < 6 2. remains the same, i.e., 6 3. becomes > 6
4. becomes neutral i.e., 7
Answer: 1
Question: Consider the following statements regarding osmosis in animal cells:
1. If the water potential of the solution surrounding the cell is too high, the cell shrinks.
2. If the water potential of the solution surrounding the cell is too low, the cell swells and bursts.
3. It is important to maintain a constant water potential inside the animal body.
4. In animal cells, water potential far exceeds the solute potential.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
1. 1 and 2
2. 3 only
3. 4
4. 2 and 3
Answer: 2
Question: Consider the following statements in relation to plant tissue ‘chlorenchyma’:
1. It is formed by the palisade and spongy mesophyll.
2. It is a form of parenchyma which contains chloroplasts.
3. It serves to transport organic solutes made by photosynthesis.
4. It is a thin transparent layer which has chiefly a protective function.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
1. 1 and 2 only
2. 1, 2 and 3
3. 2 and 4
4. 1 only
Answer: 2
Question: The enzyme that converts glucose to ethyl alcohol is –
1. Invertase
2. Maltase
3. Zymase
4. Diastase
Answer: 3
Question: The compounds leading to origin of life were –
1. Urea and nucleic acids
2. Amino acids and urea
3. Proteins and nucleic acids
4. Protein and amino acids
Answer: 3
Question: Vitamin K is necessary for –
1. Prevention of rickets
2. Prevention of pernicious anaemia
3. Formation of Prothrombin
4. Formation of DNA
Answer: 3
Question: Aldo sterone regulates –
1. Blood Gulcose
2. Serum Calcium
3. Urine Concentration
4. Sodium Absorption
Answer: 4
Question: The vitamin useful in alcoholism is
1. Thiamine
2. Pyridoxine
3. Folic acid
4. Ascorbic acid
Answer: 1
Question: Which is naturally occurring antimalarial drug?
1. Quinacrine
2. Artimisinine
3. Mefloquine
4. Mepacrine
Answer: 2
Question: Beri-Beri is caused by the lack of vitamin –
1. O
2. D
3. B1
4. A
Answer: 3
Question: Which of the following food items is rich in iron?
1. Rice
2. Apple
3. Pulses
4. Orange
Answer: 2