Question: Birds differ from bat in the absence of –
1. Warm Blood
2. Four Chambered heart
3. Trachea
4. Diaphragm
Answer: 2
Question: Which one of the following is important strategy for the conservation of biodiversity ?
1. Biosphere Reserve
2. Botanical gardens
3. National Parks
4. Wild Life Sanctuaries
Answer: 1
Question: Which one among the following gases readily combines with the haemoglobin of the blood?
1. Methene
2. Nitrogen dioxide
3. Carbon monoxide
4. Sulphur dioxide
Answer: 3
Question: In human, which one among the following, with reference to breathing, is correct?
1. During inhalation, diaphragm relaxes
2. During exhalation thorax cavity expands
3. During inhalation, intrapleural pressure becomes more negative
4. Unlike inhalation, normal exhalation is an active process
Answer: 3
Question: Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) is used to measure –
1. Spread of solid tumour
2. Bone density
3. Ulcerous growth in stomach
4. extent of brain haemorrhage
Answer: 2
Question: Human blood is a viscous fluid.This viscosity is due to-
1. Proteins in blood
2. Platelets in plasma
3. Sodium in serum
4. RBC and WBC in blood
Answer: 1
Question: Cancer is more common in older people because-
1. Their immune systems have degenerated
2. The supply of certain hormones declines with age
3. Their bodies are unable to adjust to the changing environment
4. They have accumulated more mutations
Answer: 4
Question: What would happen if human blood becomes acidic (low pH)
1. Oxygen-carrying capacity of haemoglobin is increase
2. Oxygen-carrying capacity of haemoglobin is decrease
3. RBC count increase
4. RBC count decrease
Answer: 2
Question: Which one among the following statements about blood transfusion is correct?
1. Blood group B and receive from group AB
2. Blood group B and AB, and receive from group B
3. Blood group B and AB, and receive from group A
4. Blood group O, and receive from group B
Answer: 2
Question: The gastrointestinal harmones namely secretin and cholecystokinin secreted by duodenal epithelium activate respectively Which organs to discharge their secretions?
1. Pancreas and gallbladder
2. Gallbladder and stomach
3. Pancreas and stomach
4. Stomach and small intestine
Answer: 3
Question: Milk is unique in its nutritive value. However, it is a poor source of –
1. Calcium
2. Iron
3. Copper
4. Sodium
Answer: 2
Question: The crew and passengers of a flying aircraft suffer generally from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease due to the effect of –
1. Solar radiation
2. Ozone Concentration
3. Nitrogen oxide
4. Particular pollutant
Answer: 4
Question: In the human body, the basic building blocks are
1. Bones
2. Nerves
3. Muscles
4. Cells
Answer: 4
Question: Insufficient blood supply in the human body is referred to as
1. Hemostasis
2. Haemorrhage
3. Ischaemia
4. Hyperemia
Answer: 3
Question: Goitre or abnormal enlargement of the the thyroid gland is caused by the deficiency of
1. Iron
2. Iodine
3. Potassium
4. Magnesium
Answer: 2
Question: A hereditary disease in which the blood does not clot and the affected person may bleed to death even from a small cut, is called
1. Hemophilia
2. Royal disease
3. Leukemia
4. Bleeder’s disease
Answer: 1
Question: Which among the following cell organelles is semi-permeable?
1. Cell membrane
2. Plasma membrane
3. Cell wall
4. Nucleus
Answer: 2
Question: The common edible mushroom is a
1. mass of fungal spores
2. tightly packed mycelium
3. type of hypha
4. structure used for producing asexual spores
Answer: 1