Question: Endoscopy, a technique used to explore the stomach or other inner parts of the body, is based on the phenomenon of
1. Total internal reflection
2. Interference
3. Diffraction
4. Polarisation
Answer: 1
Question: At which stage in its life cycle does the silk work yield the fiber of commerce ?
1. Larva
2. Egg
3. Pupa
4. Imago
Answer: 3
Question: Sucrose content in sugarcane decreases
1. If high rainfall occurs during the period of growth of the plant
2. If frost occurs during the period of ripening
3. If there is fluctuation in temperature during the period of growth of the plant
4. If there is high temperature during the time of ripening
Answer: 1
Question: A healthy freshwater fish is placed in saltwater. The expected consequence of this would be that
1. the fish becomes dehydrated and dies
2. the fish becomes bloated and dies
3. the fish suffers from fungal or bacterial disease and dies
4. ther is no observable effect on the fish provided there is sufficient food
Answer: 1
Question: A gene is
1. a sleep inducing drug
2. a unit of heredity
3. a kind of vitamin
4. a type of body cell
Answer: 2
Question: A food chain consist of a
1. producer only
2. consumer only
3. producer and consumer
4. decomposer only
Answer: 3
Question: A feature of fertilization that is found only in angiosperms is that:
1. the sperm may be carried by wind to the female organ
2. one sperm fertilizes the egg, while another combines with the polar nucleus
3. a pollen tube carries a sperm nucleus into the female gametophyte
4. a chemical attractant guides the sperm towards the egg
Answer: 2
Question: A drop of blood contains
1. about 10,000 cells
2. about 100,000 cells
3. several million cells
4. less than 2500 cells
Answer: 3
Question: A cockroach has
1. three pairs of walking legs
2. two pairs of walking legs
3. four pairs of walking legs
4. one pair of walking legs
Answer: 1
Question: A cell cycle consists of
1. mitosis and meiosis
2. G1, the S phase, and G2
3. Prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase
4. Interphase and mitosis
Answer: 4
Question: A bat is
1. a mammal
2. a reptile
3. an amphibian
4. an avian
Answer: 1
Question: A balance diet contains
1. animal protein
2. macro and micro nutrients
3. food nutrients for growth and maintenance
4. butter and ghee
Question: A “biological death” take place when
1. there is no pulse and heart beat
2. pupils show no reaction to light
3. all the body cells die after a few hours of clinical death
4. pupils are fixed and dilated
Answer: 3
Question: Which one of the following shows the correct order of the alternate arrangement of prokaryotes and Eukaryotes?
1. Virus, Bacterium, Blue green alga, green alga, Amoeba and Hydra
2. Blue green alga, green alga, Virus, Bacterium, Amoeba and Hydra
3. Virus, Amoeba, Bacterium, Green alga, Blue green alga and Hydra
4. Hydra, Green alga, Bacterium, Blue green alga, Amoeba and Virus
Answer: 3