Question: What is tissue culture ?
1. preparation of fragments of cell of an organism for biochemical examination
2. storage of human tissue for transplantation
3. a special type of skin grafting to treat burn cases
4. none of the above
Answer: 1
Question: What is the temperature of a normal man?
1. 81.1°C
2. 36.9°C
3. 21.7°C
4. 90°C
Answer: 2
Question: What is the main purpose of white blood corpuscles?
1. to carry nutrients
2. to combat infection
3. to carry oxygen
4. to give strength
Answer: 2
Question: We lose consciousness if the blood flow to the brain is cut off more than
1. 2 seconds
2. 5 seconds
3. 15 to 20 seconds
4. 5 minutes
Answer: 2
Question: We eat food
1. just to satisfy the sense of taste
2. as a response to a hunger stimulus arising from the thalamus
3. to produce chemical energy for various metabolic activities
4. to produce heat energy for various metabolic activities
Answer: 3
Question: Virus causes
1. Cholera
2. Typhus
3. Typhoid
4. Scurvy
Answer: 2
Question: Venom of cobra attacks on
1. Nervous system
2. Respiratory system
3. Digestive system
4. Circulatory system
Answer: 4
Question: The world’s largest flower (Approximately 1 meter in diameter) belong to genus
1. Nelumbo
2. Rafflesia
3. Mango
4. Anacardium
Answer: 2
Question: The virus which infect bacteria are called
1. Cyanophages
2. Bacteriophages
3. Bactericides
4. Retroviruses
Answer: 2
Question: The thickness of human hair is approximately
1. 0.02 mm
2. 0.04 mm
3. 0.06 mm
4. 0.08 mm
Answer: 4
Question: The smallest flowering plant is
1. Amarphophallus
2. Azadaachta indica
3. Erecta Indica
4. Wolffa Arrhiza
Answer: 4
Question: The shortest bone in the human body is the
1. Vertebrae
2. Stapes
3. Phalange
4. Metacarpal
Answer: 2
Question: The number of bones in human body of an adult is approximately
1. 210
2. 250
3. 206
4. not fixed
Answer: 3
Question: The most important foods are derived from
1. Leaves
2. Stem
3. Fruits
4. Roots
Answer: 3
Question: The most highly intelligent mammals are
1. Whales
2. Dolphins
3. Elephants
4. Kangaroos
Answer: 2