Question: Protective foods in our diet are
1. Fats and vitamins
2. Carbohydrates and minerals
3. Vitamins and minerals
4. Proteins and carbohydrates
Answer: 4
Question: The function of hemoglobin in the body is
1. Transport of oxygen
2. Destruction of bacteria
3. Prevention of anemia
4. Utilisation of iron
Answer: 1
Question: Which of the following pairs is incorrectly matched?
1. Encephalitis – Brain
2. Colitis – Colon
3. Hepatitis – Liver
4. Jaundice – Throat
Answer: 4
Question: Which of the following crops helps in nitrogen fixation?
1. Rice
2. Wheat
3. Beans
4. Maize
Answer: 3
Question: Which one of the following ecosystems covers the largest area of the earth’s surface?
1. Desert Ecosystem
2. Grassland Ecosystem
3. Mountain Ecosystem
4. Marine Ecosystem
Answer: 4
Question: Thalassaemia is a hereditary disease affecting –
1. Blood
2. Lungs
3. Heart
4. Kidney
Answer: 1
Question: Which one of the following is a water soluble vitamin?
1. Vitamin A
2. Vitamin C
3. Vitamin D
4. Vitamin K
Answer: 2
Question: Biological Oxygen demand (BOD) is used as a standard measure of
1. Oxygen level in forest System
2. Oxygen level in animals
3. Oxygen level in water system
4. Oxygen level in atmosphere
Answer: 3
Question: Fruit most suitable for making jelly is
1. Papaya
2. Karunda
3. Mango
4. Banana
Answer: 3
Question: The disease diphtheria affects
1. Lungs
2. Intestine
3. Throat
4. Body joints
Answer: 3
Question: The most common communicable disease is
1. Influenza
2. Typhoid
3. Cholera
4. Polio
Answer: 1
Question: Among the following, the richest source of protein is
1. Ground Nut
2. Rice
3. Potato
4. Apple
Answer: 1
Question: Which of the following is a cellulose fiber?
1. Cotton
2. Wool
3. Rayon
4. Polyester
Answer: 1
Question: Which of the following vitamins helps in the absorption of calcium?
1. Vitamin A
2. Vitamin B
3. Vitamin C
4. Vitamin D
Answer: 4
Question: Dengue fever is spread by
1. Aedes aegypti mosquito
2. Common House flies
3. Anophilies mosquito
4. Rodent like rats and squirrels
Answer: 1
Question: Genome is the key to tomorrow’s medical practices because
1. It unleashes an information revolution
2. It provides a new outlook into medicine
3. It is a new way of making drugs
4. It can enable customized medicines.
Answer: 2
Question: A prokaryote is
1. A single-celled organism
2. A hard and stony fruit
3. An organism lacking membrane bound nucleus in its cells
4. The most primitive multicellular organism
Answer: 3
Question: The cells that make up neurilemma in nerve tissue are
1. Epithelial cells
2. Connective tissue
3. Schwann cells
4. Erythrocytes
Answer: 3
Question: The cell that is concerned with excretion and osmoregulation is
1. Flame cell
2. Chromatophores
3. Nematoblast
4. None of these
Answer: 1
Question: The cell that lacks a nucleus is
1. Flame cell
2. Spermatozoan
3. Red blood corpuscles in man
4. White blood corpuscles
Answer: 3
Question: Red pigment is formed in
1. Nucleoplasm
2. Mitochondria
3. Choloroplasts
4. Cell sap in vacuoles of the leaf
Answer: 4
Question: Granum is a component of
1. Chloroplasts
2. Golgi apparatus
3. Ribosomes
4. Starch grains
Answer: 1
Question: The primary energy for living organisms is
1. Solar energy
2. Chemical energy
3. ATP
4. Mitochondria
Answer: 1
Question: Acrosome in a sperm is secreted by
1. Endoplasmic reticulum
2. Mitochondria
3. Golgi bodies
4. Centrioles
Answer: 3
Question: In the plant cells golgi complex is scattered in the cytoplasm in the form of small vesicles called
1. Lysosomes
2. Oxysomes
3. Dictyosomes
4. Ribosomes
Answer: 3
Question: Lysosomes were discovered by
1. Palade
2. Porter
3. Dedave
4. De vries
Answer: 3
Question: Autophagy is the function of
1. Ribosomes
2. Lysosomes
3. Centrosomes
4. Mitochondria
Answer: 2
Question: Depending upon their structure and function lysosomes are categorized into
1. One type only
2. Two types
3. Three types
4. Four types
Answer: 3
Question: A particular cell organelle is sometimes referred to as the `suicide bag’ because it contains certain enzymes (acid hydrolase) that can break down the cell components or even the whole cell. Which one of the following is such an organelle?
1. Lysosome
2. Mesosome
3. Phagosome
4. Ribosome
Answer: 1