Computer basics quiz to test your knowledge about computers. It is important for different competitive exams.

Which part of the computer helps to store information?

  1. Disk drive
  2. Keyboard
  3. Monitor
  4. Printer
  5. None of these

Option A
In which generation did magnetic disk started being used for storage?

  1. First generation computer
  2. Second generation computer
  3. Third generation computer
  4. Fourth generation computer
  5. None of these

Option B
A personal computer is designed to meet the computing needs of a(n)–

  1. individual
  2. department
  3. company
  4. city
  5. None of these

Option A
To get to the ‘Symbol’ dialog box, click on the ……… menu and choose ‘Symbol’.

  1. Insert
  2. Format
  3. Tools
  4. Table
  5. Help

Option A
A bit hold one of the two possible value are ___________

  1. 1 & 0
  2. 2 & 2
  3. 2 & 3
  4. 1 & 4

Option A
For which of the following tasks would PIM software be most useful?

  1. Drafting a memo
  2. Maintaining a schedule
  3. Calculating a budget
  4. Keeping track of recipes

Option B
Which of the following terms applies to communication between separate computer systems?

  1. Computer literacy
  2. Power supply
  3. Applications software
  4. Connectivity
  5. None of the above

Option D
In addition to keying data directly into a database, data entry can be done from a(n)

  1. Input form
  2. Table
  3. Field
  4. Data dictionary

Option A
Which command does not work on file?

  1. Edit
  2. Copy
  3. Cls
  4. Del

Option C
What is the term for the illusion of movement created by showing a series of still pictures in rapid succession?

  1. Transition
  2. Twining
  3. Bit-mapped graphice
  4. Animation
  5. None of the above

Option D
Where are programs and data kept while the processor is using them?

  1. Main memory
  2. Secondary memory
  3. Disk memory
  4. Program memory
  5. None of these

Option A
A server uses _________applications software to support its client computers.

  1. back-end
  2. front end
  3. programming
  4. java
  5. none of these

Option A
The standard protocol of the Internet is _______

  1. TCP/IP
  2. Java
  3. HTML
  4. Flash

Option D
A dot – matrix printer

  1. Is an input – output device
  2. Is an output device only
  3. In an input device only
  4. All

Option B
Computer that are used for measurement & calculation purpose _

  1. Analog Computer
  2. Digital Computer
  3. Main frame Computer
  4. Hybrid Computer

Option D
To take information form one source and bring it to your computer is referred to as _____

  1. Upload
  2. Download
  3. Transfer
  4. De-link

Option B
Which of the following is used for manufacturing chips?

  1. Bus
  2. Control unit
  3. Semiconductors
  4. a and b only
  5. None of the above

Option C
An E-R diagram is a graphic method of presenting ____.

  1. primary keys and their relationships
  2. primary keys and their relationships to instances
  3. entity classes and their relationships
  4. entity classes and their relationships to primary keys
  5. None of these

Option C
…….. processing is used when a large mailorder company accumulates orders and processes them together in one large set.

  1. Batch
  2. Online
  3. Real-time
  4. Group
  5. None of these

Option A
The homepage of website is

  1. The largest page
  2. The last page
  3. First page
  4. Colorful page
  5. None of these

Option C