Banking Awareness Computer quiz 97. Free computer knowledge quiz online. Test your knowledge about computer with these quizzes. Computer quiz competition.

1.In computer terminology, what is the meaning of Information?
(a) Data in any form
(b) Raw data
(c) Data in intelligent form
(d) Alphanumeric data
(e) A software
(f) None of these

2.Which of the following can be defined as a systemized collection of records of information?
(a) Records
(b) Array
(c) File
(d) Character
(e) Field

3.Which is the smallest element in a file and it can be alphabetic, numeric or special?
(a) Array
(b) File
(c) Record
(d) Character
(e) None of these

4.Which is the smallest unit of data?
(a) Character
(b) Field
(c) List
(d) Array
(e) None of these

5.An array containing only numeric elements is known as
(a) Field
(b) List
(c) Matrix
(d) Record
(e) None of these

6.What is a single dimensional array called?
(a) List
(b) Key
(c) Field
(d) Character
(e) None of these

7.Expand EDP.
(a) Electronic drawing and painting
(b) Electronic data processing
(c) Electronic data programming
(d) Electronic data processor
(e) None of these

8.When a set of several lists of equal dimension exist regarding a larger data, such a structure is called?
(a) File
(b) Information
(c) Arrays
(d) List
(e) None of these

9.Which of the following statement is wrong?
(a) An array is always two dimensional
(b) The records may not have equal number of characters.
(c) An item of data within a record is called field.
(d) Array is a collection of records.
(e) None of these

10. Which type of file can be defined as purely temporary files which are used for updating of master files?
(a) Input file
(b) Output file
(c) Transaction files
(d) Master files
(e) None of these
