1) Plants get their nitrogen from
A. rain
B. the soil
C. the air
D. the bedrock
Answer : B.

2) Which of the following elements was unknown to ancient civilizations?
A. tin
B. aluminum
C. mercury
D. sulfur
Answer : B.

3) Which is the longest?
A. a kilometer
B. a centimeter
C. a dekameter
D. a terameter
Answer : D.

4) You use a hydrometer to check the condition of the electrolyte in your car battery. It is actually measuring what property of the fluid?
A. charge
B. density
C. temperature
D. surface tension
Answer : B.

5) Steel is composed of a number of elements. The two essential elements are iron and
A. aluminum
B. carbon
C. nickel
D. silicon
Answer : B.

6) Which of the following is an important element of stainless steel?
A. chromium
B. magnesium
C. copper
D. nickel
Answer : A.

7) Which of the following is not a major pollutant from automobiles?
A. carbon monoxide
B. unburned hydrocarbons
C. nitrous oxide
D. sulfur dioxide
Answer : D.

8) The most serious environmental pollution from a nuclear reactor is
A. radioactivity
B. particulate formation
C. thermal pollution
D. noise pollution
Answer : C.

9) Biomass energy is
A. formed through photosynthesis
B. caused by heat due to the large mass of the earth
C. has been used for only a few years
D. is effective in only certain regions of India
Answer : A.

10) A temperature of 295 K is equivalent to approximately
A. 0 degrees Fahrenheit
B. 32 degrees Fahrenheit
C. 72 degrees Fahrenheit
D. 97 degrees Fahrenheit
Answer : C.