General Knowledge Quiz 117 about India. general knowledge quiz India. Test your general knowledge about India online for free. Free basic GK test online for you. India basic general knowledge quizzes for various entrance exams.

Q. The ___ performs simple mathematics for the CUP.
1. ALU
3. BUS
4. Register
Ans: 1

Q. Reusable optical storage will typically have the acronym ___
1. CD
2. RW
3. DVD
4. ROM
Ans: 2

Q. Every component of your computer is either ___
1. hardware or software
2. software or CUP/RAM
3. application software or system software
4. input devices or output devices
Ans: 1

Q. To access a mainframe or supercomputer, users often use a ____
1. terminal
2. node
3. desktop
4. handheld
Ans: 1

Q. Connections to the Internet using a phone line and a modem are called ___ connections.
1. digital
2. dial-up
3. broadband
4. dish
Ans: 2

Q. A(n) ___ is a program that makes the computer easier to use.
1. operating system
2. application
3. utility
4. network
Ans: 1

Q. A flaw in a program that causes it to produce incorrect or inappropriate results is called a ___
1. bug
2. byte
3. attribute
4. unit problem
Ans: 1

Q. A Web site address is a unique name that identifies a specific ___ on the Web.
1. Web browser
2. PDA
3. Web site
4. link
Ans: 3

Q. To access properties of an object, the mouse technique to use is___
1. dragging
2. dropping
3. right-clicking
4. shift-clicking
Ans: 3

Q. What are the two types of output devices?
1. Monitor and printer
2. Storage disks (floppy, CD)
3. Keyboard and muose
4. Windows 2000, Windows NT
Ans: 1