General Knowledge Quiz 142 about India. general knowledge quiz India. Test your general knowledge about India online for free. Free basic GK test online for you. India basic general knowledge quizzes for various entrance exams.

Q. Delivery Channel means
1. maternity wards
2. handing over the products to the buyers
3. places where products are made available to the buyers
4. All of these
Ans: 3

Q. The role of a ___ generally is to determine a buyer’s needs and match it to the correct hardware and software.
1. computer scientist
2. computer sales representative
3. computer consultant
4. corporate trainer
Ans: 2

Q. Which of the following refers to the fastest, biggest and most expensive computers?
1. Personal Computers
2. Supercomputers
3. Laptops
4. Notebooks
Ans: 2

Q. Arithmetic operations
1. involve matching one data item to another to determine if the first item is greater than, equal to or less than the other item
2. sort data items according to standard, predefined criteria in ascending order or descending order
3. use conditions with operators such as AND, OR, and NOT
4. include addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division
Ans: 4

Q. The process of a computer receiving information from a server on the Internet is known s
1. pulling
2. pushing
3. downloading
4. transferring
Ans: 3

Q. Which part of the computer helps to store information?
1. Disk drive
2. Keyboard
3. Monitor
4. Printer
Ans: 1

Q. A keyboard is this kind of device
1. black
2. input
3. output
4. word processing
Ans: 2

Q. The rectangular area of the screen that displays a program, data, and/or information is a
1. title bar
2. button
3. dialogue box
4. window
Ans: 4

Q. ____ is the process of carrying out commands.
1. Fetching
2. Storing
3. Executing
4. Decoding
Ans: 3

Q. An error is also known as
1. bug
2. debug
3. cursor
4. icon
Ans: 1