The NSG was founded in response to the Indian nuclear test in May 1974 and first met in November 1975. The test demonstrated that certain non-weapons specific nuclear technology could be readily turned to weapons development. Nations already signatories of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) saw the need to further limit the export of nuclear equipment, materials or technology. Another benefit was that non-NPT and non-Zangger Committee nations, then specifically France, could be brought in.

A series of meetings in London from 1975 to 1978 resulted in agreements on the guidelines for export, these were published as INFCIRC/254 (essentially the Zangger “Trigger List”) by the International Atomic Energy Agency. Listed items could only be exported to non-nuclear states if certain International Atomic Energy Agency safeguards were agreed to or if exceptional circumstances relating to safety existed.

The name of the “London Club” was due to the series of meetings in London. It has also been referred to as the London Group, or the London Suppliers Group.

The NSG did not meet again until 1991. The “Trigger List” remained unchanged until 1991, although the Zangger list was regularly updated. The revelations about the Iraqi weapons program following the first Gulf War led to a tightening of the export of so-called dual-use equipment.

At the first meeting since 1978, held at the Hague in March 1991, the twenty-six participating governments agreed to the changes, which were published as the “Dual-use List” in 1992, and also to the extension of the original list to more closely match the up-to-date Zangger list. A regular series of plenary meetings was also arranged as was the regular updating of the two key lists.

Sl No. Country Sl No. Country Sl No. Country Sl No. Country
1 Argentina 13 Denmark 25 RepublicofKorea 37 Slovakia
2 Australia 14 Estonia 26 Latvia 38 Slovenia
3 Austria 15 Finland 27 Lithuania 39 South Africa
4 Belarus 16 France 28 Luxembourg 40 Spain
5 Belgium 17 Germany 29 Malta 41 Sweden
6 Brazil 18 Greece 30 Netherlands 42 Switzerland
7 Bulgaria 19 Hungary 31 New Zealand 43 Turkey
8 Canada 20 Iceland 32 Norway 44 Ukraine
9 China 21 Ireland 33 Poland 45 United Kingdom
10 Croatia 22 Italy 34 Portugal 46 United States
11 Cyprus 23 Japan 35 Romania
12 CzechRepublic 24 Kazakhstan 36 Russian Federation