Online computer test for competitive exams. Prepare for banking computer section with this quiz to score high.

Programs designed specifically to address general purpose application and special purpose applications are called ______

  1. O/S
  2. System software
  3. Application software
  4. Management information systems

Option C
Which of the following is used to open another document while clicking?

  1. Anchor
  2. URL
  3. Hyper link
  4. Reference

Option C
The device which sends data by telephone

  1. Modem
  2. Monitor
  3. Mouse
  4. OCK
  5. None of these

Option A
When the pointer is positioned on a ______ , it is shaped like a hand.

  1. hyperlink
  2. grammar error
  3. screen tip
  4. spelling error
  5. formatting error

Option A
__________ may be included in other folder while making hierarchical structure folder.

  1. Mini folder
  2. Tiered folder
  3. Sub folder
  4. Object

Option C
Which of the following would most likely NOT be a symptom of a virus ?

  1. Existing program files and icons disappear
  2. The CD-ROM stops functioning
  3. THe Web browser opens to an unusual home page
  4. Odd messages or images are displayed on the screen
  5. None of these

Option B
___ is the memory card which is conceptually related to the smart card but similar to video desk?

  1. Debit card
  2. Master card
  3. Laser card
  4. Credit card
  5. None of the Above

Option C
A 16-bit microprocessors has

  1. 16 address lines
  2. 16 buses
  3. 16 data lines
  4. 16routes

Option C
A byte represents a group of

  1. 10 bits
  2. 40 bits
  3. 8 bits.
  4. 22 bits
  5. None of these

Option C
Hard disk drives are considered ________ storage.

  1. flash
  2. non-volatile
  3. temporary
  4. nonpermanent
  5. None of these

Option B
Technology no longer protected by copyright, available to everyone, is considered to be:

  1. proprietary.
  2. open.
  3. experimental.
  4. in the public domain.
  5. None of these

Option B
The design of the network is called network _________

  1. Architecture
  2. Transmission
  3. Type
  4. Server

Option A
Which is the type of memory for information that does not change on your computer?

  1. RAM
  2. RAM
  3. ERAM
  4. RW/RAM
  5. None of these

Option D
Which of the following is a type of optical media?

  1. FDD
  2. HDD
  3. CD
  4. Magnetic Tape

Option C
The most important or powerful computer in a system network _______

  1. Desktop
  2. Network client
  3. Network server
  4. Network station

Option C
The internet is a system of

  1. Software bundles
  2. Web pages
  3. Websites
  4. Interconnected network
  5. None of these

Option D
The color of an object is an example of a(n) __________.

  1. attribute
  2. detail
  3. listing
  4. specification
  5. None of these

Option A
The ability of an operating system to control the activities of multiple programs at the same time is called ______

  1. Multitasking
  2. Multi-processing
  3. Multi-operating
  4. Multi-paging
  5. None of these

Option A
To produce a high – quality graphics (hardcopy) in color, you would want to use a

  1. Virtual Printer
  2. Laser Printer
  3. Ink – jet Printer
  4. Plotter
  5. RGB Monitor

Option D
Back up and restore is preferred for ________

  1. All the files and data together
  2. System data areas only
  3. Selected file system components
  4. Disk image for recovery

Option D