The Secretary-General of the United Nations (UNSG) is the head of the United Nations Secretariat, one of the principal organs of the United Nations. The Secretary-General also acts as the de facto spokesperson and leader of the United Nations.

Sl No. Secretary-General Dates in office Country of origin UN Regional Group
1 Trygve Lie 2 February 1946 “
10 November 1952
 Norway Western European & Others
2 Dag Hammarskj¶ld 10 April 1953 “
18 September 1961
 Sweden Western European & Others
3 U Thant 30 November 1961 “
31 December 1971
 Burma Asian
4 Kurt Waldheim 1 January 1972 “
31 December 1981
 Austria Western European & Others
5 Javier P©rez de Cu©llar 1 January 1982 “
31 December 1991
 Peru Latin American & Caribbean
6 Boutros Boutros-Ghali 1 January 1992 “
31 December 1996
 Egypt African
7 Kofi Annan 1 January 1997 “
31 December 2006
 Ghana African
8 Ban Ki-moon 1 January 2007“
 South Korea Asia-Pacific