1.CGI refers to a specification by which programs can communicate with a web server. Expand CGI.
(a) Common gateway interface
(b) Common gateway intercommunication
(c) Common gateway interconnection
(d) Common gateway interplay
(e) None of these

2.MCGA is a type of colour graphic adapter that allows a user to use more colours and graphics. Expand MCGA .
(a) Multicolour graphic adapter
(b) Multicolour graphic array
(c) Multicolour graphic arrangement
(d) Multicolour glancing adapter
(e) None of these

3. ‘Ingress’ is a type of ___ .
(a) High level language
(b) Low level language
(c) Data base program
(d) DBMS
(e) None of these

4.A source program is the program written in ________ language.
(a) Symbolic
(b) High-level
(c) Machine
(d) A combination of (b) and (c)
(e) None of these

5. Which of the following option does not depict advantage of Beginner’s All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code (BASIC)?
(a) This language can be worked on large and small computer universally
(b) It is designed for very much interactive use, which helps users in the correction of his errors also
(c) It is very easy to learn
(d) It is very much flexible
(e) All of the above mentioned statements are its advantages

6.What is the meaning of compatibility in reference with computer?
(a) Software is user friendly
(b) Software is versatile to run on computer
(c) Software is permanent on the computer
(d) Software handles the jobs efficiently if assigned
(e) All of the above

7.To see print preview, what is the shortcut key used with ctrl?
(a) F2
(b) F3
(c) F4
(d) F5
(e) None of these

8.In MS Excel, which of the following is also an active cell?
(a) Cell address
(b) Formula
(c) Range
(d) Current cell
(e) None of these

9.The files are sent to _____, if deleted.
(a) Trash
(b) Spam
(c) Clip board
(d) Recycle bin
(e) None of these

10. What is the name of the part of a computer, which coordinates all the functions?
(a) ALU
(b) ROM program
(c) Control unit
(d) Motherboard
(e) None of these

11. What is the shortcut key to display the shortcut menu?
(a) Shift + F10
(b) Shift + F11
(c) Shift + F12
(d) Shift + Ctrl + F9
(e) None of these

12. COBOL stands for?
(a) Common business orientation language
(b) Common business oriented language
(c) Complicated business oriented language
(d) Commercial business orientation language
(e) None of these

13. The binary equivalent of 98 is
(a) 1111011
(b) 1100110
(c) 1100010
(d) 1110001
(e) None of these

14. Daisy wheel and band are type of a _________
(a) Mouse
(b) Key board
(c) CPU
(d) Printer
(e) None of these

15. Find the odd one
(a) Printer
(b) Key board
(c) Scanner
(d) Mouse
(e) None of these



1. A 2. B 3. D 4. B 5. E
6. B 7. A 8. D 9. D 10. C
11. A 12. B 13. C 14. D 15. A