Computer Quiz to test your computer knowledge for Banking Exams. Take this multiple choice question test for your banking exam.

The original ASCII codes?

  1. Were 7 bits
  2. 8 bits
  3. Represented 256 bits
  4. Represented 127 bits

Option A
Instructions and memory address are represented by ___

  1. Character code
  2. Binary code
  3. Binary word
  4. Parity bit
  5. Bite code

Option B
When the margin on both sides is straight and equal, then there is _________ in document.

  1. Full justification
  2. Full alignment
  3. Left justification
  4. Right justification

Option B
________ is a primary key that also appears in another file.

  1. Physical key
  2. Primary key
  3. Foreign key
  4. Logical key
  5. None of these

Option C
Perforated paper used as input of output media is known as

  1. Paper tapes
  2. Magnetic tape
  3. Punched paper tape
  4. Card punch

Option B
What is correcting errors in a program called ?

  1. Interpreting
  2. Translating
  3. Debugging
  4. Compiling
  5. None of these

Option C
To prepare a presentation / slideshow which application is commonly used?

  1. Photoshop
  2. Power point
  3. Outlook express
  4. Internet explorer
  5. All of these

Option B
A Web site’s main page is called its

  1. Homepage
  2. Browser page
  3. Search Page
  4. Bookmark
  5. None of these

Option A
Which of the following is not a feature of first generation computers

  1. They used vacuum tubes or valves as main electronic component
  2. They consumed lots of electricity and produced excessive heat
  3. They used machine language and assembly language to program the machine
  4. All of the above
  5. None of above

Option C
Communication between computers is almost always

  1. Serial
  2. Parallel
  3. Serially parallel
  4. Direct
  5. Indirect

Option A
Before a disk drive can access any sector record, a computer program has to provide the record’s disk address. What information does this address specify?

  1. Track number
  2. Sector number
  3. Surface number
  4. All of the above
  5. None of the above

Option D
Which of the following is the key difference which separates the computers fof 5thg generation from the rest of the generations?

  1. Technological advancement
  2. Scientific code
  3. Object oriented programming
  4. All the above

Option A
If you want to connect to your own computer through the Internet from another location, you can use

  1. e-mail
  2. FTP
  3. instant message
  4. Telnet
  5. None of these

Option D
What would be the best way to move around a 3D environment?

  1. Use a tracker ball
  2. Use a keyboard.
  3. Use a space mouse
  4. Use Joystick
  5. None of these

Option C
In computer terminology, information means

  1. Raw data
  2. Data in more useful
  3. Alphanumeric data
  4. Program
  5. None of these

Option B
Computers use the ________ number system to store data and perform calculations.

  1. binary
  2. octal
  3. decimal
  4. hexadecimal
  5. None of these

Option A
A large number of computers in a wide geographical area can be efficiently connected by

  1. Twisted pair lines
  2. Coaxial cables
  3. Communications satellites
  4. None of the above

Option C
For sound recording what is necessary?

  1. Speaker
  2. Microphone
  3. Talker
  4. Mouse

Option B
Information travels between components on the mother board through-

  1. Flash memory
  2. CMOS
  3. Bays
  4. Buses
  5. Peripherals

Option D
Computer programs are also known as________

  1. Operating systems
  2. Documents
  3. Peripherals
  4. Applications

Option D