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What was Joan of Arc also known as ?
Ans : Maid of Orleans
The leaves of which carnivorous plant can shut tight after trapping an insect ?
Ans : Venus fly trap
Which festival in Japan is also known as Doll’s festival ?
Ans : Hinamatsuri
Nigel Owens is an international referee in what sport ?
Ans : Rugby Union
Which vitamin helps in clotting blood after an injury ?
Ans : Vitamin K
Name the book by Jhumpa lahiri that won the Pulitzer Prize for fiction in 2000 ?
Ans : Interpreter of Maladies
Which is the national flower of Germany ?
Ans : Cornflower
What is teh expanded form of SPCA ?
Ans : Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
Name the fish which has four hearts and no stomach ?
Ans : Hagfish
Who wrote “A Brief History of Time” ?
Ans : Stephen William Hawking
What is the book based on someone’s life but written by a third person called ?
Ans : Biography
Which is the only manmade monument to be visible from space ?
Ans : the Great Wall of China
Which is the most important Jewish festival ?
Ans : Hanukkah
Who is the poet of the poem “Where the mind is without fear” ?
Ans : Rabindranadh Tagore
Kumquat is a variety of which fruit ?
Ans : Orange
Who was the longest serving England Cricket Captain ?
Ans : Michael Atherton
In which year of the 1980’s did the colour of the balls at Wimbledon change from withe to yellow ?
Ans : 1986
Which famous city of France is on the river Seine ?
Ans : Paris
What is the method of measuring the age of a skeleton ?
Ans : Carbon dating
Name the sculptor of “Pieta” ?
Ans : Michaelangelo