General Knowledge Quiz 68 about India. general knowledge quiz India. Test your general knowledge about India online for free. Free basic GK test online for you. India basic general knowledge quizzes for various entrance exams.

Q. ‘Democratic Centralism’ is an important feature of a –
1. Socialist state
2. Communist state
3. Democratic state
4. Totalitarian state
Ans: 2

Q.The UNIX operation system is suitable for –
1. Single user
2. Multi user
3. Real-Time Processing
4. Distributed Processing
Ans: 2

Q.Soil factors are otherwise known as –
1. Climatic factors
2. Edaphic factors
3. Biotic factors
4. Physiographic factors
Ans: 2

Q.The Constitution of India, describes India as –
1. Union of States
2. A Federation
3. A quasi-federal
4. Unitary
Ans: 1

Q.The damage of the human body due to radiation (χ-rays or γ-rays etc,) is measured in –
1. Rads
2. Rems
3. Roentgen
4. Curie
Ans: 1

Q.Consumer Protection Act 1986, was amended in –
1. 1991
2. 1992
3. 1993
4. 1994
Ans: 3

Q.Who said that “Where there is no Law there will not be Liberty?”
1. John Locke
2. Karl Marx
3. Plato
4. Machiavelli
Ans: 1

Q.Which of the following does not have a Stupa?
1. Dhamek
2. Ranchi
3. Sanchi
4. Barhut
Ans: 2

Q.Potato was introduced to Europe by –
1. Dutch
2. Portuguese
3. Germans
4. Spanish
Ans: 4