Computer Devices and Their Inventors: Computer Knowledge section holds its importance and is considered as the easiest section for candidates who put little efforts on this section from the first day of their preparation.

Device Name Inventor
Compact Disk or CD James Russell in 1965
Computer Mouse Douglas Engelbart in 1964
First laptop Grid Compass 1100 and was designed in 1979 by a British industrial designer, Bill Moggridge
First PC IBM 5100 Portable Computer by IBM
Floppy Disk Alan Shugart & IBM
Hard Disk The IBM Model 350 Disk File by IBM in 1956
Integrated Circuit Jack Kilby & Robert Noyce in 1958
Key board Herman Hollerith first keypunch devices in 1930’s
Laser printer Gary Starkweather at XEROX in 1969
Microprocessor Intel 4004 Computer Microprocessor – Faggin, Hoff & Mazor in 1971
Operation System Gary Kildall (CP/M (Control Program for Microcomputers) and Bill Gates of Microsoft (MS-DOS)
RAM An Wang at Harvard University’s Computation Lab and Jay Forrester at MIT in 1951
Trackball Tom Cranston and Fred Longstaff in 1952
Transistor John Bardeen, Walter Brattain & Wiliam Shockley in 1947